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I began my artistic activity as an author and director in the 1980s, working mainly in music, theater and advertising in numerous video productions and television collaborations. An activity that continues to this day.

In 1983, I also began a professional activity in the field of information technology in private companies and public administration, and since 1996 I have been the Information Systems Manager of a Scientifically Oriented Research Institute.

Since 1990 I have been a Founding Member and Communications Manager of the Third Sector Organization A.S.S.O. (Archeologia Subacquea Speleologia Organizzazione), an organization specializing in the field of archaeological, speleological and cave diving research. With this organization I have participated in exploratory expeditions and surface, underground and underwater scientific research all over the world.

In 1993 I designed and implemented the ASSONET website, the world's first Internet portal on archaeology and cave diving.

In 2002, together with video operator Marco Campolungo, I founded Studio Blu Production, a production company specializing in extreme adventure reportage, which gathered the experience gained during decades of activity with the A.S.S.O. organization.

In 2006, due to the untimely death of friend and partner Marco Campolungo, Studio Blu Production was incorporated into A.S.S.O., which is currently the producer and distributor of most of my video work.

In 2009 I founded the cultural project CARAVAGGIO400, dedicated to the genius and works of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio on the occasion of the fourth centenary of his death.

Since 2010, I have been Media Manager and Head of Communication of the HYPOGEA Federation.

To date, I have made numerous video productions as author and director, including 19 documentaries (selected in numerous world festivals) distributed nationally and internationally directly by A.S.S.O. on Italian and international television networks.

DOCUMENTARIES (italian language with English sub titles)

    • Men and gods, the sea and the sacred (Uomini e dei, il mare e il sacro) - 2023 - info & trailer

    • Here we start painting with the stone (Ecco che cominciamo a dipinger con la pietra) - 2020 - info & trailer


    • Albanus Project: inside the old emissary (Progetto Albanus: dentro l'antico emissario) - 2019

    • Santa Severa in legend and history (Santa Severa tra leggenda e realtà storica) - 2008

    • The mystery of Saint Nilo (Il mistero di San Nilo) - 2007

    • From shipwrecks to caves (Dai relitti alle grotte) - 2007

    • Panta rei ... everythings flow (Panta rei ... tutto scorre) - 2006

    • Ustica above and under the sea (Ustica sopra e sotto il mare) - 2005

    • "Cumbida prantas" ... invite your footsteps ("Cumbida prantas" ... invita le piante dei piedi - 2005

    • The broken thread (Il filo strappato) - 2005

    • The lords of iron (I signori del ferro) - 2004

    • Out of the mill (In fondo al mulino) - 2004


    • Su Gologone: dove la terra si spacca (2012)

    • Albania: la storia sommersa (2010)

    • Non le perle, ma il filo (2006)

    • Cosa c'è sotto?! Mondi sommersi e sotterranei (2011)

    • Sulle ali delle aquile (2010)

    • Poli: la memoria e la storia (2007)

    • In volo sulla IX Comunità Montana del Lazio (2005)



Video Services in underwater, underground and aerial environments | Documentaries | Backstages | Videoclips | Live shows | Corporate and Institutional Videos | Writing | Screenplay | Editing | Direction | Executive production